The pandemic has affected everyone differently and many of us are either forced to work from home or stay home and care for our children or ourselves. Whether you are working or staying at home there are many ways your can utilise your time to enjoy your life more and be more productive. Here are my top seven recommendations to help you today!

1. Self Work

Have you ever found yourself saying “if I had more time I would…”. The list is endless
on what you would change if you had more time. Some examples include working on
stress, communication, being a better parent or partner, and so on. So now is the
perfect moment to step up to the challenge and work on those things.

Here’s How:

Connect Online

You may be feeling alone or at a loss for how to fill your time. There is an abundance of
online sites waiting to help you! Everything including webinars, teleconferences,
Facebook groups, and much more. The possibilities are endless to connect with other
professionals and receive free content to help improve your life. A simple search on
Google or Facebook will get you started.

Hire a Professional

If you feel like you don’t have the self-discipline or drive to get started on your own,
there are many professionals available to help you get started on improving your life
and working on your goals. Someone like myself as a life coach or even a psychologist.
Also, consider someone who works with natural therapy. Currently, many of these
services are online, making them easily accessible to anyone from anywhere.

2. Boost your Qualifications

Now that you are in a moment of pause, it’s a great time to reflect on how to improve
your resume and qualifications. Many sites offer free courses. They vary in length from
one week to six weeks. Look for ways to improve your current job skills or learn another!

3. Follow Your Passion

There’s probably a list of things you always wanted to try but never had time! Maybe
learning the piano, guitar, writing a book, photography, or another passion. Now is the
perfect time to reintroduce those passions back into your life. They help to keep you
healthy and inspired. There are also many virtual ways to learn a new passion as well.

4. Use Social Media to be Productive

Instead of spending hours online comparing yourself to others, try blocking out that time
to help others on social media. Social media is a double-edged sword, but if you choose
to use it to be productive and helpful it can be life-changing. Search for groups that may
need your expertise. Connect with others online and support them with your gifts. You
can also use social media to learn as we mentioned above.

5. Exercise

One of the most important things you can do is support your immune system. There is a
ton of free content online to help you get moving. You can use equipment or not. My
suggestion is at least 30 minutes a day to keep your immune system strong and
healthy. Exercise will not only improve your body but also your mind. Lastly, the release
of endorphins will help you stay positive and optimistic in a time of crisis.

6. Spirituality

Whether you are religious or not, practicing at least 20 minutes of meditation or prayer a
day can be extremely helpful. I don’t have much time to meditate on a daily basis, but I
always carve out these 20 minutes to support myself mentally and emotionally. Don’t
forget to practice gratitude, and search for ways to help yourself, and others. Any
spiritual practice will due, the main point is to give and appreciate no matter where you
are in life.

7. Stay Present

You may have heard me say this a few times in my other videos, but that’s because it’s
so important! While staying home, you may have gained too much time to sit around
and worry about the past or future. If you are living in the past, remember it’s over and
we can’t change it.

We can’t get it back and there’s no sense in focusing on things we can’t change. All we
have is the present, we do not know what the future holds. The only time you should
visit the past is to reflect on what you learned and how you can better your life now. So
take every second of the present to enjoy and focus on what you can control in the now.
I hope this article helped you to find some new perspective on how to pass your extra
time and better yourself. Remember that you can find the good in any situation, it’s all
about mindset and a plan of action.

Feel free to leave comments and questions below and I look forward to hearing from