When you are traveling or maybe following a partner abroad after you have settled in a bit work maybe the next big thing on your mind. Finding work abroad can take time but if you have: a plan, are open minded, and willing to be flexible finding work can be easier than you think. I have traveled to over 35 countries and have lived in several as well and, I am going to give you three of my most effective tips that have helped me find work abroad.

TIP #1:Volunteering helps you to understand the working culture.
I have always volunteered when traveling for three main reasons. The first, is connecting with locals to understand the culture. Working culture is different everywhere you go and the sooner you know how it works in the country your in, the better your chances are of getting a job when you apply. Secondly, volunteering puts you in touch with local people that you can connect with and ask questions about the local work environment and understand what jobs are in the area. Thirdly, volunteering can help you keep your skills current and even develop them while you are trying to find a job. Not only that, when applying for jobs It shows you are involved in the community. 

TIP #2: Have a Current Master Resume
There is nothing more painful that doing a resume! So, make it easy on yourself and build a master resume. A master resume is where you put all the work experience you ever had in one place. If you have a master resume, you can copy and paste relevant skills to a new resumes to suit the different jobs you maybe applying for, instead of having to build a whole new resume from scratch each time. This makes job hunting in range of different areas that match your skills a whole lot easier. When looking for work abroad you may have to rely on a dormant skill you have that is in demand in the job market where you are. Remember, when looking for work abroad be open, and adaptable you never know where something that is not at all your thing can lead you. Trust me! I did a many a job just to get my feet wet, that lead me to some careers that l loved and would have never thought of doing!

Last tip: Get support so many expats, travellers, and trailing spouses, feel like they have to do it all alone and it is just not true. Get support, keep your energy high and reduce the time of feeling like you don’t where to start. There are professionals all around you that can help you along the way. I hope this article had been helpful. Please hit like, share and leave your tips about finding work abroad in the comments. If you have any question I am happy to answer them just drop them in the comments below or you can book a free 20 min call with me today just click on the contact icon 🙂