One-to-One Consultation

Moving to France

What You Can Expect

Unlock Your French Dream with Our France Immigration Service

Exploring Your Options

We will explore various living and working options in France, including

Personalized Guidance

In our one-hour session, we will discuss your unique situation, goals, and concerns. Whether you’re an individual, a couple, or a family, I will tailor the session to address your specific needs and aspirations.

Residency and Visa Requirements

Understanding the legalities of moving to France.

Employment Opportunities

Insight into the job market and sectors in demand.

Starting a Business

Guidance on setting up a business, including legal structures, taxes, and cultural considerations.

Education and Healthcare

Information on schools, universities, and the healthcare system.

Lifestyle and Integration

Tips on adapting to French culture, learning the language, and finding communities.

Starter Resources

You will receive a comprehensive pack of starter resources, including:


Checklists and Timelines

Step-by-step guides to help you plan your move.


Useful Contacts

A list of trusted professionals, such as immigration lawyers, real estate agents, and relocation experts.


Cultural Insights

Tips and advice on integrating into French society smoothly.


Follow-up Support

After our consultation, you will have the opportunity for a follow-up email session to address any additional questions or concerns you might have as you embark on your journey to France.

Who Is This For?


Individuals or families considering a permanent move to France.


Entrepreneurs looking to start a business in France.


Professionals seeking employment opportunities in the French job market.


Anyone needing clarity and direction on relocating to France.

Ready to take the next step towards your new life in France? Book your One-to-One Consultation today and let’s make your dream a reality.

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